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Checkmate !

I have always thought that the students of compulsory education do not need to learn all the mathematical formulas of calculations and problems that are very far removed from the vast majority of the day, they do not need to be bored with things that they probably never use again or something You will forget them after the exam; I think it is much more beneficial for everyone to equip them with training tools that will serve them for life.
These tools I am talking about have to help them develop different areas of the brain that are usually taken into account in the traditional teaching system and now we have to start questioning how to solve those gaps in the system.
There comes the theme that I want to talk about: chess.
There are a lot of games, activities or techniques that can help the young people of the world in a much more interactive way. This game presents advantages in all ages because it combines characteristics that favour the development of mental abilities.
Chess is a game-science that favors the exercise and development of several mental abilities in addition to the formation of scientific thinking, since those who play it are subjected to a constant test of hypotheses that must verify or discard. This game, considered as a sport by the International Olympic Committee, fosters the intellectual and recreational aspects while promoting socialization and respect for the standards and norms among those who practice it.
I will now go on to name all the benefits, that have been proven through studies, that the practice of chess can bring:
- Increase your IQ
- Helps Prevent Alzheimer's
- Exercise both hemispheres of the brain
- Improve creativity
- Power the memory
- Help solve problems

- Increases the reading capacity

So knowing all these benefits would not be very logical not to introduce this game in the classroom to learn otherwise.

Chess, thanks to its playful and intellectual characteristics, is an appropriate pedagogical resource to help girls and boys develop multiple mental abilities that will undoubtedly optimize their learning processes. Only this proven quality of chess, would justify the attempt to include it within the classroom and make it accessible to all students from the early years, a privileged moment to lay the foundations of an integral formation.
